Monday, November 5, 2018

Walk Cycle: "Taking a 2D Stroll"

Now we're getting somewhere! This project was fun from day 1. I wanted a busy scene, in a fantastical setting with fantastical characters, all walking in different styles. My little guy is fast walking, he's important and a busy body. My humaniod character is dreamy, with their head in the clouds, a skip in their step, arms swinging carelessly. My big guy is slowly walking along, head bent over slightly, more melancholy. I illustrated a full cycle of each and then pegged them and walked them across the screen as different rates. I pegged all of THAT to the background and panned it as well. It was extremely satisfying to make the characters heel make contact with the ground, solidly plant, and stay in that spot (no sliding) while the other foot carried over and planted itself, now allowing the first foot to lift. I loved giving each guy a personality with just a walk. As with my other animations, I would like to finish this one, color them all in, and maybe add mustaches, hats with feathers, and cloaks to dangle, float, and careen with the walks.

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