Monday, September 24, 2018

Flour Sack: "You're tripping"

This animation is my greatest failure in this class, nay in my life. The sacks look inappropriate at best, with bulging buttocks. I wanted to make the one sack trip the other sack and then laugh at him, but it looks as if they are twitching and undulating in convulsions. The walk is ALL wrong. I wish I could burn this. I plan to remake the flour sack exercise COMPLETELY. Lets just forget it, people. I was truly TRIPPING when I made this. ;D

Monday, September 10, 2018

Pendulum swing: "Playful Kitty"

What's better to show off my sweeter side than with a playful kitty? This assignment was to illustrate a pendulum attached to a moving object. I used reference footage, and line work style to create an sketchy look. I will probably remake this completely. The kitty jump could be a lot better and I would like the hand to be more consistent. But I felt that the actual swinging is not too bad! MREOW!