Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Ball Bounce: "Eye See What's Happing"

EYE showed off my love for the macabre in this ball bounce exercise. My character experiences a sudden loss of eye ball, and runs off in horror. The pupil helps add dimension to the ball and there is plenty of squash and stretch (and some blood splatter) to illustrate it's squishinesss. The spider interacts with the bouncing eye, and stiffly rolls away. There are some technical problems (stiffness of character, spider, ball comes to too abrupt of a stop) with the animation but over all I think you can SEE whats happening here. I definitely want to touch this up to use as a portfolio piece- for the non-faint of heart client.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

A little about me

Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Brenna and I'm a USF fine arts major. I do lots of art such as painting, drawing, and sculpture, but my focus at USF is animation. I believe that in this class I will learn how to make quality 2D animations. But I know we will also watch tons of funny videos and talk about our most hated movies. We will also learn lots of horror stories about the industry! I am looking forward to an awesome semester! :)